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If you are lonely, if you are looking for the life time partner to share everything life has to offer, if you want to love and to be loved, you are looking for a lovely wife to make the rest of your life full of love, tenderness and commitment - we are here to help you the best we can!

Our site is featuring profiles of more than 10000 ladies, sincerely interested in foreign men for serious relationships leading to marriage. All our women are real. All their details and contact information has been provided to us by local marriage agencies that we work with throughout Russia, Ukraine and the FSU (Former Soviet Union). All our ladies have to visit our agent's offices personally and provide proof of their identity. Every week 100-150 new profiles are added to database. All the girls on this site are ACTIVELY trying to find a foreign partner for marriage or a long-term relationship. We ask all of our ladies, on a regular basis, if they wish to be removed from our database so we list only those girls who are actively looking for a partner.

Our services go from introduction to personal meeting.
How it works?
Everything starts from corresponding, via e-mail or postal mail. You browse our photo gallery and choose the ladies you like. They all are beautiful, but every man has his own concept of beauty.
You have special desires as for your perfect match appearance, height, weight, English level? Use our search engine.
Every profile has short description of lady's education, interests, character, what partner she is searching for. It is that simple - browse the profiles and, if you think she may be the one, send her a message. You can use our fast and efficient e-mail forwarding and translation services for this, and we guarantee that the lady will receive your letter. We provide a much quicker way of sending and receiving letters. Letters sent by overseas post can be unreliable and slow, and our e-mail forwarding service allows you to get to know a lady much, much quicker. Read more here.
We will deliver your gift to any lady on the Army Of Brides web site and give any support and assistance you need if you go on a tour to one of the cities our agents are located (meeting, seeing off, apartments or hotel, organization of meetings with women, translation and consulting services).

We also offer you to place your ad FREE in our Gentlemen Catalog, and ladies will be able to write you first. And if a lady chooses to write you it means that she is already interested in you. You do not have to waste money on sending e-mails to those who may never respond or not interested in you. Read here for more.

You also could save with us buying service package subscription at our site. Our subscription is available for a period of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year, and allows you to retrieve up to 20 videos per month free of charge. Any videos you don't use in any given month, roll over to the next. Our subscribers have even more benefits. Read more here.

Please, be sure that ALL our services are FREE FOR LADIES, and the motto of our company GENTLEMEN PAY FOR EVERYTHING!

Why should you use our services, you may ask. Simple:

As you see, we offer you all kinds of services you need to meet and charm your lady: e-mail forwarding, gifts delivery, assistance with personal tours. Our services are FREE FOR LADIES, and many come to us for help. On the first stage it is help with translation and Internet. Of course, if a lady is interested in finding a partner abroad she is learning a foreign language: but what language should she learn if she doesn't know from which country her future husband will be? Communication goes on mainly in English. But still when ladies come to us they do not know English at all (40%), know it badly (10% can say only standard phrases like "hello, my name is, good morning, bye" and other 20% remember a little bit more from the English they learned at school), some can understand written and spoken English but can't talk, and only about 10% can understand you and talk to you (by phone or in the letters). You must agree that communicating by e-mail is the fastest way to get to know each other. Sad but true - very few people in Ukraine and Russia have personal computers, and they are mostly men. If a lady works as a secretary or a manager - she has access to computer at work. But her boss wouldn't appreciate her using a computer at the office for personal needs. So, she comes to us and asks to help her with sending letters. We do not forbid you to exchange telephone numbers or postal addresses - vice versa, we would only support you in your desire to call the lady and make sure she is real and all that she writes you is true.

Still have doubts? Just register FREE in the Gentlemen Catalog and see how many women will like you and write you. Who knows, perhaps one of them is your destiny!

If there is anything we can do to help, just email us at info@army-of-brides.com

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