What exactly is my password so I'll be able to check the mail?
Three times I have gone to your web site, and asked you to send me my password. And each time I never receive it.
Every time I input my log in details and try to view my messages it keeps on going back to my log in details.
I have tried to forward the following letter through your email forwarding system. When I hit the send button, there is no indication that the mail went through and there is no deduction from my bridik credits. Please let me know what I did wrong.
I have tried to watch the video, but nothing came out of it. Please help.
What exactly is my password so I'll be able to check the mail?
You can easily retrieve your password from the "forget password" form. All you need is to enter the e-mail you used when registering at our site, and all registration information will be sent to your e-mail address. If you do not receive it, please, contact us: it is possible that the system wouldn't recognize your e-mail, OR there are certain e-mail filters for your regular email address and you just do not receive the letter our program sends you in reply to your request.
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Three times I have gone to your web site, and asked you to send me my password. And each time I never receive it.
The only possible problem is e-mail filters for your regular email address and you just do not receive the letter our program sends you in reply to your request.
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Every time I input my log in details and try to view my messages it keeps on going back to my log in details.
Our web-site uses "cookies". If you are not able to work with your account and return to the login page, the solution is setting the correct "level of security" for cookies: set the security to allow ALL cookies from this site. The same problem may be caused by settings of the proxy-server.
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I have tried to forward the following letter through your email forwarding system. When I hit the send button, there is no indication that the mail went through and there is no deduction from my bridik credits. Please let me know what I did wrong.
The problem is: the part of your letter is in Russian, and due to the wrong settings for the encoding each Russian letter acquires several digits code. We advise you to send your letters in English, all your letters are translated for girls. However, if you still want to send your letter in Russian, please, send your letter as attached .doc file through Support Center, do not forget to mention ID and name of the woman your letter is for, we will register the letter manually and forward it to respective local agency to process it.
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I have tried to watch the video, but nothing came out of it. Please help.
To view the video you should have a flash-player installed. Please, download the newest version of the the program from
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Russian Women FAQ - reveals some secrets of Russian women and what they are searching for in foreign men, what is the best way to develop your relations with a Russian woman, and how to avoid misunderstandings.
Marriage Agency FAQ - tells you about Army Of Brides marriage agency and gives general information about how Army Of Brides works.
Marriage Agency Services FAQ - answers some questions about our introduction and dating services, prices for e-mail forwarding and gift delivery services, gives you tips how to save money using our marriage agency services and which way of search for your Russian bride would best suit you.
Payment FAQ - frequently asked questions about method of payment (on-line payment with credit cards or e-checks, payment using PayPal), costs of our services, and some tips how to save your money using Army Of Brides services.
Correspondence FAQ - explains some rules of correspondence through our web-site, tells how to use our e-mail forwarding system and avoid possible problems when writing letters to Russian women.
Photos FAQ - tells you why all photos of Russian women are so beautiful, why it is important to exchange additional pictures with your Russian bride during your correspondence and how to send additional photos to your Russian grirl friend or receive more pictures from pretty Russian women you correspond with using our marriage agency services.
Possible Technical Problems - gives you information as for how to deal with technical problems that may occur when you communicate with Russian women through Army Of Brides Marriage agency, and answers most common questions you may have using our web-site.
Anti Scam FAQ - gives some additional comments about scam and scammers and our anti-scam policy.